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DJ Kayotik's World – The Movie Director
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Posted by djkayotik on October 21, 2022

Look back at it, shawty. After over a month since its premiering his latest single, “Outside”, Bryson Tiller releases the accompanying music video. Bouncing back off a dysfunctional relationship, the Edgar Esteves-directed visual centers Pen Griffey crooner over a new lady interest on a glamoured set full of scantily-clad women and an all-white Lamborghini. “Know […] —–> VIDEO: LIL BABY “HEYY”

Posted by djkayotik on October 12, 2022

Hey, hey, hey. With his album It’s On Me set to arrive on Friday (Oct. 14), Lil Baby releases his latest single, “Heyy”. Directed by Ivan Berrios, the Atlanta rapper boasts his come up and success while counting money while parading in a bevy of eye-candy. “But it feel way better to count a million / I […]